Tuesday, January 16, 2018

"The Meg" - Deep Terror

Sneak Peek new images from director Jon Turtletaub's science fiction horror feature "The Meg", based on the 1997 book "Meg: A Novel of Deep Terror" by Steve Alten, starring Jason Statham, Jessica McNamee, Bingbing Li, Winston Chao, Ruby Rose, Rainn Wilson, Cliff Curtis and Robert Taylor opening in Real D 3D and IMAX 3D August 1, 2018:

"...a deep sea submarine is attacked by a 'carcharodon megalodon' shark, thought to be extinct. 

"With the ship disabled at the bottom of the sea, a rescue diver and oceanographer must quickly work to rescue the crew under attack from the 70-foot white shark..."

Click the images to enlarge...