Thursday, November 09, 2017

'Wonder Woman' Goes To "Elle"

Sneak Peek new images of "Wonder Woman" actress Gal Gadot in the December 2017 issue of "Elle" (US) magazine, wearing Gucci,  Louis Vuitton, Saint Laurent and a whole lot more, photographed by Paola Kudacki:

"In real life, I'm the type of girl who doesn't take herself too seriously," said Gadot

"I think women are amazing for being able to show what they feel. I admire women who do. I think it's a mistake when women cover their emotions to look tough. I say let's own who we are and use it as a strength.

"I feel that I've got the opportunity to set a great role model for girls to look up to a strong, active, compassionate, loving, positive woman, and I think it's so important.

"For me, it was important 'Wonder Woman' wouldn't be a 'Goody Two-Shoes'. She has a little bit of attitude, and when she fights, she has a smirk on her face. I didn't want her to be polished. I want people to relate to her.

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