Sneak Peek leaked stunt footage from the set of "Kingsman: The Golden Circle", the sequel to "Kingsman: The Secret Service" (2015), directed by Matthew Vaughn, starring Taron Egerton, Julianne Moore, Mark Strong, Halle Berry, Pedro Pascal, Channing Tatum and Jeff Bridges, Elton John and Vinnie Jones, opening September 29, 2017:
"...'Eggsy', 'Merlin' and 'Roxy' head to the US to join forces with the 'Statesman', Kingsman's American counterpart, after the headquarters is destroyed by 'Poppy' (Moore)...
"...a notorious criminal mastermind and member of the secret new world order group 'The Golden Circle'..."
Click the images to enlarge and Sneak Peek "Kingsman: The Golden Circle"...