Thursday, January 19, 2017

"RoboCop" - RIP 'Bob Morton'

Actor Miguel Ferrer, who played 'Bob Morton' in director Paul Vehoevens' 1987 feature "RoboCop", died today at the age of 61:

Ferrer was the son of actor Jose Ferrer and singer Rosemary Clooney.

" "RoboCop", Ferrer played 'Bob Morton', the man who came up with the idea for an 'OCP' robotic police officer, using a boardroom incident as an opportunity to convince the company to approve his 'RoboCop' program, personally overseeing RoboCop's development. 

This includes RoboCop's marksmanship, tracking and record/playback functions, then, when testing in complete, orders him to recite his 'Prime Directives'. RoboCop is pronounced ready for the streets soon thereafter..."

Click the images to enlarge and Sneak Peek Miguel Ferrer as 'Bob Morton'...