Sneak Peek footage from "Victory", the series finale of "Spartacus: War of the Damned", directed by Rick Jacobson, that aired April 12, 2013 on STARZ, as well as a compilation of all the best 'fight scenes' from the gladiator-action series:
"...even though outnumbered, 'Spartacus' and his rebel army make one last effort to win freedom in a decisive battle against the 'Romans' commanded by 'Marcus Crassus'..."
Cast of "Victory" includes Liam McIntyre as 'Spartacus', Manu Bennett as 'Crixus', Dustin Clare as 'Gannicus', Cynthia Addai-Robinson as 'Naevia', Daniel Feuerriegel as 'Agron' and Todd Lasance as 'Caesar'. Also starring are Simon Merrells as 'Crassus', Pana Hema Taylor as 'Nasir', Anna Hutchison as 'Laeta', Jenna Lind as 'Kore', Barry Duffield as 'Lugo', Luna Rioumina as 'Belesa' and Gwendoline Taylor as 'Sibyl'.