Directing duo Anthony and Joe Russo, coming off the critical/box office success of "Captain America: Civil War", confirmed their next Marvel Studios' feature "Avengers: Infinity War" will be a continuation of their last 'Cap' film:
"The story that we told in 'Winter Soldier' set the basis for the story we told in 'Civil War'," said Anthony Russo.
"And the story that we told in 'Civil War' is again laying the groundwork for the story that we're going to tell in 'Avengers: Infinity War'.
"For us, there's a narrative continuity between the movies, and each movie is in many ways setting the stage for the ones that follow. For us, we have a very specific through-line for all those films...
"We love ensembles. That's part of what we love about our Marvel work as well, so the fact that we get to carry that process forward into 'Avengers: Infinity War'...
"...and not only carry it forward but at a scale and a scope that we've never even attempted before in those films...
"...because those films are so much intended to be a culmination of everything that's unfolded in the 'MCU' up until this point.
"We've got to keep the streak going," said Joe Russo. "We're literally in that phase of the pre-production where we start thinking about those kinds of things and right now we're looking for the right part to see who's a match for the next cameo..."
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