Wednesday, January 27, 2016

"Agent Carter: Smoke and Mirrors"

Take a look @ new promo footage, plus images from the next episode of "Marvel's Agent Carter" titled "Smoke and Mirrors", featuring the return of Hollywood actress 'Whitney Frost' (Wynn Everett), written by Sue Chung and directed by David Platt, airing February 2, 2016 on ABC:

"...'Agent Carter' and the 'SSR' learn there's more than just a pretty face behind Hollywood star 'Whitney Frost', Peggy's most dangerous foe..."

"Marvel's Agent Carter" stars Hayley Atwell as 'Agent Peggy Carter', James D'Arcy as 'Edwin Jarvis', Enver Gjokaj as 'Chief Daniel Sousa', Everett as 'Whitney Frost', Reggie Austin as 'Jason Wilkes' and Chad Michael Murray as 'Chief Jack Thompson'.

Episode guest stars include Currie Graham, Kurtwood Smith, Chris Browning, Carole Ruggier, Gabriella Graves, Webb Baker Hayes, Ivy George, Samaire Armstrong, Chris Mulkey, Max Brown, Christopher Grove, Catriona Toop, Jennifer Neala Page, Kevin Changaris, Jonathan Lavallee, Andrew Carter, Khalilah Joi and Tamika Katon-Donegal.

Click the images to enlarge and Sneak Peek "Agent Carter: Smoke and Mirrors"...