CBS Television Studios will launch a new "Star Trek" television series January 2017, with a special airing on the CBS Television Network in 2016, as part of the "Star Trek" 50th Anniversary:
The premiere episode plus all subsequent first-run episodes will then become available in the US on CBS All Access, the Network’s digital subscription video on demand/live streaming service. "Star Trek" will also be distributed concurrently for television/multiple platforms around the world by CBS Studios International.
"...the brand-new 'Star Trek' will introduce new characters seeking imaginative new worlds and new civilizations, while exploring the dramatic contemporary themes that have been a signature of the franchise since its inception in 1966..."
"This new series will premiere to the national CBS audience, then boldly go where no first-run 'Star Trek' series has gone before – directly to its millions of fans through CBS All Access," said Marc DeBevoise, Executive Vice President/General Manager – CBS Digital Media.
"We’ve experienced terrific growth for CBS All Access, expanding the service across affiliates and devices in a very short time. We now have an incredible opportunity to accelerate this growth with the iconic 'Star Trek' and its devoted and passionate fan base, as our first original series."
Click the images to enlarge and Sneak Peek "Star Trek: Ptolemy Wept"...