Director Robert Rodriguez ("Spy Kids") continues to develop a live-action "Jonny Quest" feature film for Warners, based on the 1964 ABC primetime Hanna-Barbera animated series, noted as the first action adventure cartoon depicting people ('bad guys') getting killed:
"Its an 'Indiana Jones'/'James Bond' action-adventure strip with a kid in it," said Rodriguez about the source material.
"So, that’s what it’s going to be with the movie. I made Spy Kids movies, but those are more kids being spies and their family. This is more of a legitimate action-adventure film that has a kid in it."
Set in the Florida Keys, characters include 'Jonny Quest', a young boy who lost his mother at an early age. Though unenthusiastic in his schooling, he is intelligent, brave, adventurous, and generally athletic with a proficiency in judo, scuba diving, and the handling of firearms. He takes on responsibility willingly, attending to his studies, and treating adults with respect.
'Dr. Benton C. Quest' is Jonny's father and a scientific genius who works for the U.S. Government. He is considered to be one of the three top scientists in the world with interests and technical know-how spanning many fields. Raising Jonny as a single father, he is conscientious and decent, though willing and able to take violent decisive action when necessary for survival or defense.
'Race Bannon' is a special agent, bodyguard, and pilot from 'Intelligence One'. He is an expert in judo, having a third-degree black belt as well as the ability to defeat noted experts in various martial arts, including sumo wrestlers.
'Hadji' is a streetwise Calcutta orphan who becomes the adopted son of Dr. Benton Quest and also Jonny's best friend. He is proficient in judo, which he learned from an American Marine. The seventh son of a seventh son, Hadji seems to possess mystical powers including snake charming, levitation, magic, and hypnotism.
'Bandit' is the name of Jonny's pet bulldog, with his eyes ringed by a black mask. He uncannily is able to understand human speech and is capable of complex facial expressions.
'Jade' is Race's old love interest. She is a soldier of fortune type spy, intelligent and cunning.
Click the images to enlarge and Sneak Peek "Jonny Quest"...