Wednesday, March 04, 2015

"Supergirl" Revealed

Sneak Peek new images of actress Melissa Benoist ("Homeland") in costume as college-aged, super-powered 'Kara Zor-El', the cousin of 'Superman', in the new CBS "Supergirl" live-action TV pilot:

"Supergirl" will debut on CBS in the fall... Chyler Leigh, Calista Flockhart, Laura Benanti, Mehcad Brooks, David Harewood, Dean Cain ('Superman' from "Lois and Clark") and Helen Slater (the original live-action 'Supergirl').

"...'Kara' escaped her home planet of 'Krypton' amid its destruction years ago.

"Since arriving on Earth...

"...she has concealed the powers she shares with her famous cousin 'Kal-El' aka 'Superman'. 

"But now, at age 24, she decides to embrace her superhuman abilities and be the hero she was always meant to be...

"...'Kara' was sent from her dying home planet of 'Krypton' to Earth, taken in by the 'Danvers'...

" American foster family who taught her to be careful with her extraordinary powers. 

"After repressing said skills for more than a decade, Kara is forced to bust out her super moves in public during an unexpected disaster. 

"Energized by her heroism for the first time in her life...she begins embracing her abilities...

" the name of helping the people of her city, earning herself a super moniker along the way..."

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