Thursday, January 01, 2015

DC's "Nightwing" In Action

Sneak Peek animation and live-action footage depicting DC Comics character "Nightwing", focusing on the former sidekick of 'Batman' who decides to '...come out of the shadow of the bat...", to fight crime as a new costumed hero:

DC Comics character 'Nightwing' debuted in "Superman" (vol. 1) #158 (January 1963) during a time when he and cub reporter 'Jimmy Olsen' became the vigilantes 'Nightwing' and 'Flamebird' in the 'Kryptonian' city of 'Kandor'.

That Jimmy Olsen hero became an inspiration for Grayson when he changed his 'Robin' identity and assumed the name.

The character was then featured in a "Nightwing" comic book series (1996 and 2009) followed by another series in 2011.

Nightwing's costume was high-tech, designed for high-flying acrobatics, with gauntlets and boots containing compartments to store weapons.

Those compartments had a self-destruct feature built in, similar to the ones in Batman's utility belt, also containing a one-use-only taser, automatically discharging a high-voltage electric shock to protect against tampering.

Nightwing continues to appear in animated TV series, video games and fan movies.

Click the images to enlarge and Sneak Peek "Nightwing"...