Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Anderson Cooper Investigates 'Black Widow'

According to Marvel, CNN newsman Anderson Cooper will appear in new issues of Marvel Comics' "Black Widow" comic book series, written by Nathan Edmonson and illustrated by Phil Noto starting with issue #12, available November 2014:

"...Anderson Cooper will question whether or not 'Black Widow', an ex-'KGB' assassin is the kind of person the public should an accept as a protector.

"Anderson and his show and his journalism will be the catalyst for a major event in Black Widow’s journey right now," said Edmondson.

"And as a result of the way in which he exposes her and some of her actions, we’re going to see some pretty significant things change in her world.

"We will more importantly see a fundamental change within her as she has to face a world that is now increasingly aware of her.

"It’s Anderson doing what he does best: looking for the truth and reporting on events. We imagine that in Black Widow’s world, as would be the case with many other 'Avengers', things she does can’t be ignored by the media...

"...and all it takes is somebody who knows how to ask the right questions...

" make her world very uncomfortable for her but in a way that is perhaps not unjust."

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