Monday, June 30, 2014

"The Walking Dead": More Season 5 Updates

"The Walking Dead" TV series writer/executive producer Scott M. Gimple recently gave an update about Season 5 of AMC's ultra-violent episodic 'zombie' drama, based on the comic books by Robert Kirkman.

"I will say that there may be some slightly familiar structural turns," said Gimple about the new Season. "But for the most part, it is going to be brand new versions of the comic story."

"I certainly won’t abandon iconic things from the comic. I definitely want to stick to the comic as much as possible but that’s also impossible with 'Daryl Dixon' and characters that are alive but dead in the comic. There’s a butterfly effect. But that’s actually an incredibly fun part... would say that even the inventions we have on the show are inspired by the comic."

"Who the people of 'Terminus' are and what their deal is will be dealt with fairly quickly when we come back for season five," confirmed series executive producer Robert Kirkman.

The Season finale "A", saw 'Rick Grimes' (Andrew Lincoln) finally reaching the supposed safe haven 'Terminus' with 'Carl', 'Michonne' and 'Daryl', after a deadly run-in with human predators.

But the residents of  Terminus opened fire on the group, herding them into a stationary boxcar.

Despite Rick's group being reunited with 'Glenn', 'Maggie', 'Sasha' and 'Bob', there were still some prisoners missing, leading to the speculation of 'cannibalism', per the comic book series.

"We kind of felt like we needed more unknowns to keep people guessing," said Kirkman. "Leaving the fate of 'Beth' and 'Carol' and 'Tyreese' and 'Judith' completely ambiguous... gives us that."

"I can say that Terminus has a lot of signs out there and it’s certainly possible that all kinds of different people out there could make their way to Terminus in some way, so maybe Beth shows up to Terminus in Season 5… maybe not. I think I can say that Beth’s story is not over. We’ll see her again..."

In other news, actors Alana Masterson, Christian Serratos and Andrew J. West  are now series regulars. Masterson plays 'Tara', a woman who met up with the 'Governor' following Woodbury’s fall. Since she lost her family she has become attached to Glenn. Serratos is 'Rosita' and West plays 'Gareth', head of the group living at Terminus.

"Seeing Gareth and Rick and the people of Terminus and our survivors go head-to-head is going to be interesting," said Kirkman.  

"There is a very deep, dark and storied history to Terminus and how these people came to be that will be revealed in Season five..."

Click the images to enlarge and Sneak Peek "The Walking Dead: A"...