Friday, June 06, 2014

"Star Wars: Episode VII"- 'Luke Skywalker'

Actor Mark Hamill aka 'Luke Skywalker' in director JJ Abrams' currently filming "Star Wars: Episode VII", says "Star Wars" creator George Lucas "...always liked the idea of seeing the original characters as 'elderly' characters..."

"In my mind, there was a beginning, and a middle and an end for me and my association with George’s trilogy," said Hamill. 

"It was firmly in the past. When the prequels came out, I watched from a distance, but I was totally fine."

"I hadn’t seen Tony Daniels or Carrie or Harrison or Peter Mayhew in was wonderful to see them again, because I didn't expect to. Again, this is all so unexpected. It’s like getting out that pair of pants you haven’t worn in five years and finding a 20-dollar bill in the pocket. Oh, this is nice."

"I have this feeling that no matter what we do there’s going to be a faction that really is disappointed. You just can't live up to that. Any kind of reunion type endeavor, whatever it can never go home again."

Click the images to enlarge and Sneak Peek Mark Hamill...