Sneak Peek more new footage from the upcoming WGN America historical drama series "Salem", created by Adam Simon and Brannon Braga, starring Janet Montgomery and Shane West, based on the real 'Salem' witch trials of the 17th century:
Montgomery plays 'Mary Sibley', West is 'John Alden', Seth Gabel is 'Cotton Mather', Ashley Madekwe is 'Tituba', Tamzin Merchant is 'Anne Hale', Elise Eberle is 'Mercy Lewis', Xander Berkeley is 'Magistrate Hale' and Iddo Goldberg is 'Isaac Walton'.
The series first appeared as part of WGN America's development slate in July 2012 under the title "Malice". On June 4, 2013, WGN America bypassed the pilot stage and placed a series order for 13 episodes, under the new title "Salem", filming in Shreveport, Louisiana, on an expansive set reflecting 17th century Massachusetts.
Click the images to enlarge and Sneak Peek "Salem"...