Tuesday, December 24, 2013

"Fleming: The Man Who Would Be 'Bond'"

Sneak Peek more footage from the BBC's 4-part TV mini-series "Fleming: The Man Who Would Be 'Bond'," starring Dominic Cooper as 'James Bond' creator 'Ian Fleming', with Lara Pulver, Annabelle Wallis, Lesley Manville, Anna Chancellor, Samuel West and Rupert Evans:

"...set against the permissive society of war-torn London, where the martinis were always flowing and beds always being swapped, the series explores the early life of the charming, enigmatic 007 author.

"The outbreak of World War II saw the young Fleming working as an unsuccessful stockbroker, with a failed army career behind him and living off his rich family while indulging in the very 'Bond'-esque passions of womanizing, alcohol and, erotic literature.

"It wasn’t until Fleming was forced to join the Naval Intelligence that he found his true calling. Using his mischievous sense of humor, sharp charm and vivid imagination, Fleming was responsible for some of the most outrageously dangerous counter intelligence mission against the Third Reich, honing his inspiration for 'Jame Bond' in the process..."

Click the images to enlarge and Sneak Peek "Fleming: The Man Who Would Be 'Bond'"...