Sneak Peek footage of Marvel Studios new logo, currently playing in front of the feature "Thor: The Dark World":
"We designed the very first Marvel logo for the first 'Spider-Man' film," said Marvel Studios' President Kevin Feige. "We’ve used that logo for eleven years, and with 'Thor: The Dark World', it felt like a good time to update it..."
"You look back at the other films, and they’ve also featured our studio partners' or distribution partners' logos. But now that we are our own entity within the Walt Disney Company, it is only the Marvel logo in front of the movies. So that felt like the time to update it and have something that is more substantial as a standalone logo in front of our features."
"The key was, we really loved that old flip logo. We didn’t want to re-invent the wheel, but we wanted it to feel bigger, to feel more substantial, which is why it starts with the flip, but suddenly it’s more dimensional as we go through the lettering and it reveals itself with the metallic sheen before settling into the white-on-red, well known Marvel logo, with the added flourish of the arrival and the announcement of the 'Studios' at the bottom of the word 'Marvel'."
There is also a new 'fanfare' in the footage from "Iron Man 3" and "Thor: The Dark World" composer Brian Tyler.
"My favorite part of it is", said Feige, "like all great studio logos, you need a fanfare, and we’d never had that before. We sometimes started the score of the movie, sometimes just had sound effects over it, sometimes had a song over it that leads into the beginning of the movie. So this is the first time that we have an actual, wonderful fanfare to accompany our logo..."
Click the images to enlarge and Sneak Peek Marvel Studios' new logo...