Friday, November 01, 2013

Set Images From "Captain America: The Winter Soldier"

Take another look @ images from the Washington, D.C. set of Marvel Studios' "Captain America: The Winter Soldier" featuring Chris Evans as 'Steve Rogers', Anthony Mackie as 'The Falcon', Max Hernandez as 'S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent Sitwell' and Garry Shandling as 'Senator Stern':

"...'Captain America: The Winter Soldier' picks up where 'Marvel’s The Avengers' left off, as 'Steve Rogers' struggles to embrace his role in the modern world.

"He teams up with 'Natasha Romanoff', aka 'Black Widow', to battle a powerful yet shadowy enemy in present-day Washington, D.C...."

Click the images to enlarge...