Sunday, November 10, 2013

"Batman Vs Superman" Updates- 'Nightwing'

According to new reports, the DC Comics 'side-kick' character 'Nightwing' could appear in director Zack Snyder's "Man Of Steel" sequel, aka "Batman Vs Superman".

The original DC Comics character 'Nightwing' was depicted as an invention of 'Superman',  in "Superman" (vol. 1) #158 (January 1963) during a time when he and 'Jimmy Olsen' became costumed vigilantes in the 'Kryptonian' city of 'Kandor'.

This hero served as an inspiration for 'Dick Grayson' when he changed his 'Robin' identity and assumed the name and a new costume.

Grayson was then featured in an ongoing "Nightwing" comic book series between 1996 and 2009, then another series established in 2011.

His costume was a high-tech suit specially designed for his high-flying acrobatic style, with gauntlets and boots containing compartments in which he could store items.

Those compartments had a self-destruct feature built into them, similar to the ones in Batman's utility belt, and, as another security measure, the suit contained a one-use-only taser charge, which automatically emitted a high-voltage electrical shock when someone attempted to tamper with either the boots or gauntlets.

The character also appears in numerous animated TV series and video games.

Click the images to enlarge and Sneak Peek "Nightwing"...