Sneak Peek Marvel Comics' upcoming "Winter Soldier" mini-series from writer Rick Remender that will coincide with the April 2014 release of Marvel Studios' "Captain America: The Winter Soldier":
"...'Bucky Barnes', aka the 'Winter Soldier', sets up future events that will 'shatter' the world of 'Steve Rogers'...
"A pair of Third Reich scientists discover a formula that could win the Cold War for the Russians in 1966.
"The Winter Soldier faces off against 'S.H.I.E.L.D.' to see into whose hands it will eventually fall..."
"He was a tool who had very little control of his own mind," said Remender, "but I will be exploring how 'Bucky Barnes' is underneath all of it still.
"Even back then, there was a piece of him trying to stand back up..."
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