Saturday, July 13, 2013

"The Walking Dead" : More Season 4 Updates

Sneak Peek new key art and images from Season 4 of AMC's "The Walking Dead", as well as spoiler insights from "The Walking Dead" comic book creator Robert Kirkman, also one of the Executive Producers of the TV series.

Kirkman is enthusiastic about Season 4 showrunner Scott Gimple.

"More than any other showrunner, Scott actually read the comics regularly," said Kirkman, "and was a huge fan before the show existed, watched the first season and was a fan before he was brought on as a writer in season two.

"He absolutely loves the material. We are definitely going in some new directions and this will continue to be a different take on the material from the comics but there will possibly be some scenes that are a little bit closer to the comic than we've done in the past.

"Season four probably has the most number of scenes that are adapted directly from the comic series or very close to what we did. A good deal of that is from Scott and the way he views that material and puts forth that extra effort to work it into the show in a way that it all works.

"There's going to be a bit of a time jump. Some time has passed between season three and season four. It's only a few months, we're not nailing down the exact number of days or anything like that. The prison that we see is a very different prison and the characters that we see are very different from the last time we saw them.

"We go into season four with characters you've known for four years and still find new things to explore with them and new aspects of their character and see that they are growing and changing in extremely dramatic ways due to the strains that this world has put upon them..."

Click the images to enlarge and Sneak Peek "The Walking Dead: Season 4"... has the Waliking Dead