Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Listen To The "Superman: Man Of Steel" Soundtrack

Listen to the music from composer Hans Zimmer's orchestral soundtrack for director Zack Snyder's 3D 'Superman' movie "Man Of Steel":

Tracks include "Look to the Stars", "Oil Rig", "Sent Here For A Reason", "DNA", "Goodbye My Son", "If You Love These People", "Krypton's Last", "Terraforming", "Tornado", "You Die Or I Do", "Launch", "Ignition", "I Will Find Him", "This is Clark Kent", "I Have So Many Questions", "Flight", "What Are You Going To Do When You Are not Saving The World",  "Are You Listening, Clark?", "General Zod", "You Led Us Here", "This Is Madness", "Earth" and "Arcade".

"Let’s just declare the truth here", said Zimmer. "There is nobody better than John (Williams). One of his best scores, of course, was the original 'Superman' film. Secondly, I grew up with Superman. Superman is in my DNA. I don’t want to be the one responsible for ruining it for future generations..."

"I wanted to write about humble things, about little things. I wanted to write about the people who never get celebrated. You know, the farmers in Kansas, the people who are just decent and honest, who leave their doors unlocked. The people who invite a stranger in without questioning. All those people who never make the news. All those people that aren’t celebrities, who don’t need a big sound.

"’s very simple: he has feelings. You can break his heart. That’s his vulnerability. He’s a decent man, or 'Kryptonian'. This idea of wanting to be a part of the human race, that struggle that people have go through.

"...the endlessness of the fields, the endlessness of the Midwest, the telephone wires, and what would that sound like, the wind in the telephone wires that go on beyond the horizon...I thought, oh pedal steel guitars, which everybody always thinks is country western, but nobody actually put eight pedal steel players into a room and got them to play basically orchestral music..."

Click the images to enlarge and listen to "Man Of Steel"...