Saturday, May 11, 2013

"Star Wars: Episode VII" : Enter 'Jaina Solo' ?

According to new reports, a female lead may become the central figure of director JJ Abrams' upcoming "Star Wars: Episode VII", focusing on 'Jaina Solo', the eldest child of 'Han Solo' and 'Leia Organa'.

Jaina, named after Han's mother, is born five minutes before her twin brother 'Jacen'. The twins live at various safe havens for their first few years under the protection of Leia's handmaiden 'Winter'.

Jaina pursues a life separate from her twin brother and becomes the apprentice of 'Mara Jade Skywalker', progressing quickly as a 'Jedi' and a pilot, eventually joining 'Rogue Squadron'.

She also develops a romantic relationship with 'Jagged Fel' and briefly becomes the apprentice of fallen 'Jedi Kyp Durron'.

Jacen falls to the dark side of the 'Force' and Jaina realizes her duty, as the 'Sword of the Jedi' requires her to stop him.

She turns to 'Boba Fett' to train her, duels and kills Jacen.

Promoted to 'Jedi Master' by her uncle 'Luke Skywalker', she marries Jagged Fel.

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