Saturday, April 27, 2013

"Grimm: Kiss Of The Muse"- May 7, 2013

Sneak Peek new images and synopsis from the police procedural fantasy television drama "Grimm" and the episode titled "Kiss of the Muse", airing May 7, 2013 on NBC:

"Grimm", set in a world where characters inspired by "Grimms' Fairy Tales" exist, returns for a second season April 30, 2013:

"...'Nick' discovers a muse-like 'Wesen' with the ability to influence those she gets close to - some with positive results, others with terrifying ones.

"Nick must find a way to get close without losing himself in the process.

"'Juliette' arranges a dinner date with Nick in the hopes of clearing the air, but their plans go awry as the case intensifies.

"Meanwhile, 'Rosalee' takes her first visit to the trailer of 'Aunt Marie'..."

Click the images to enlarge...