Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Fox Going Ape For "King Kong"

Development continues on 20th Century Fox' 'modernized' animated take on the public domain "King Kong" property- from the ape's POV. Producers are 21 Laps and Radar Pictures.

The fictional monster that resembled a giant gorilla debuted in the 1933, RKO Pictures feature "King Kong" as well as live-action remakes in 1976 and 2005.

Limited rights to the character are held by the estate of Merian C. Cooper.

"Kong: The Animated Series", from BKN International, debuted in 2000, airing the first 13 epsiodes on "Fox Kids". 

Additionally, two direct-to-DVD movies based on the cartoon series were released, including "Kong: King of Atlantis" in 2005 and "Kong: Return to the Jungle" in 2007.

Two video games were released based on the series for the Nintendo Gameboy Advance. The first, "Kong: The Animated Series", was released by Planet Interactive in 2002. The second was released by Majesco Games in 2005, based on the direct-to-video animated film "Kong: King of Atlantis".

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