Monday, July 09, 2012

Pick Up On "The Collapsed"

From Anchor Bay Entertainment, director Justin McConnell's 'apocalyptic thriller', "The Collapsed" is now available on DVD :

" the wake of an unknown event that has catapulted civilization into a fatal downward spiral, the 'Weaver' family - father 'Scott' (John Fantasia), young adult son 'Aaron' (Steve Vieira), mother 'Emily' (Lise Moule) and teenage daughter Rebecca (Anna Ross) - desperately try to survive.

"Fleeing the city, their only hope of sanctuary is a rural hometown from their past, 'Dover's Bend'. With the constant threat of violent death forcing them to stay as far away from civilization as possible, theye take to the forest. However, they soon discover that the danger posed by other survivors may be the least of their worries. Someone - or something - sems to have followed them into the wilderness..."

Click the images to enlarge and Sneak Peek "The Collapsed"...