Friday, May 04, 2012

"The Simpsons: The Spy Who Learned Me" - May 6, 2012

Season 23, Episode 20 of "The Simpsons", titled "The Spy Who Learned Me", airs May 6, 2012 on Fox (and Global in Canada), with guest star Bryan Cranston ("Breaking Bad") :"...After going on 'date night' to a spy movie starring crime fighter 'Stradivarius Cain' (Cranston), 'Marge' becomes upset with 'Homer' for blurting out embarrassing remarks throughout the film, but Homer's attempts to reconcile do not seem to fix anything. Later, Homer is knocked off a ladder leaving him out of work for six weeks. But instead of telling Marge, he decides to use the time to learn how to become a better husband with the help of someone he believes is Stradivarius Cain..."

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