Fuller promises that his 'Munsters' will have a darker and 'less campy feel' than the black-and-white original, or as he describes it, "...'Modern Family' meets 'True Blood'..."

The project didn't see development until the early 1960's, when a treatment for a similar idea was submitted to Universal Studios by "Rocky & Bullwinkle" writers Burns and Hayward.
This format was later handed to writers Norm Liebman and Ed Haas, who wrote the pilot script, "Love Thy Monster", retitled as "My Fair Munster".
"The Munsters" grew in popularity during decades of syndication, warranting a spin-off series, several TV films and a theatrical release.
The twist to the series was that The Munsters family, consisting of 'Frankenstein' Herman, 'vampire' Lily, 'Wolfman' son 'Eddie' (Butch Patrick), 'Dracula' Grandpa (Al Lewis) and normal 'Marilyn' (Beverley Owen and Pat Priest), considered themselves typical, blue-collar, working-class Americans of the era, with nothing unusual about their look or gothic house, situated at '1313 Mockingbird Lane'.
Click the images to enlarge and Sneak Peek the rare, unaired 1960's TV pilot for "The Munsters"...