Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Lindsay Pulsipher is "Bonnie Parker"

Cypress Moon Studios reports that actress Lindsay Pulsipher ("True Blood") will play 'Bonnie Parker' in the upcoming feature "The Story of Bonnie and Clyde".

"Lindsay will undoubtedly bring many layers to this critical role," said Cypress Moon producer Tonya S. Holly, who will direct from her own screenplay. "This is a gripping story about two of the most legendary fugitives in history."

Filming is scheduled to start in Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and Missouri :

" a small Texas town in the 1930’s Depression, 'Bonnie Parker' had dreams of becoming an actress or perhaps a poet. She knew more than anything that she wanted out – out of poverty, away from Texas, and she wanted a love story that would never end.

"'Clyde Barrow' grew up poor. He loved guns, cars, and getting noticed. It was his love for the finer things that would cost him his freedom. It is his loss of freedom that changes the boy to a man, and a man into a killer..."

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