"...'John Carter' learns the shocking truth about the 'therns', the mysterious sect of priests who control the worship of 'Issus', the goddess of all Mars. He and 'Tars Tarkas', the greatest warrior of the 'Green Martians', will have to battle their way through the hellish labyrinth of the therns' temples before they can tell anyone about their discovery. Fortunately for them, they'll have the help of 'Thuvia', 'Princess of Ptarth'. But even if they free themselves from the temples, they'll have another, even more deadly threat to contend with: an ancient terror from Mars' larger moon..."

"...'Dejah Thoris', 'Princess of Helium' and 'Phondari', 'Pirate Queen of Mars', are hot on the trail of the 'Hoard of Segotha', an ancient treasure lost thousands of years ago. Legends say the hoard contains something wondrous, something of inestimable worth unknown even to the greatest warlords of Mars. But these same legends also say the treasure is cursed. True or not, Phondari's old enemy, 'Xen Brega', is determined to kill her and Dejah and keep the hoard for himself. But never mind Brega -- can Dejah really trust Phondari?..."

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