Saturday, June 11, 2011

"Dead or Alive: Dimensions" Banned In Australia

Video game "Dead or Alive: Dimensions" has had its classification revoked in Australia : "...'The Classification Board' today revoked the classification of the computer game 'Dead or Alive: Dimensions'.
"This game was classified PG (Parental Guidance) on 8 February 2011 with consumer advice ‘mild violence and sexualized gameplay’. Information provided to the Board last week suggested that the game contained content not drawn to the Board’s attention in the original classification application.
"After considering the response to a show cause notice issued last Thursday (June 2), the Board made the revocation decision. "Dead or Alive: Dimensions is now unclassified and cannot be sold in Australia unless it is re-submitted for classification..."
The fighting game for the Nintendo 3DS is the 15th game in the "Dead or Alive" video game series and the first "Dead or Alive" game to be released on a Nintendo system. With 25 playable characters, the game was released May 19, 2011 in Japan, May 20, 2011 in Europe, May 24, 2011 in North America and May 26, 2011 in Australia.
Click the images to enlarge and Sneak Peek "Dead Or Alive: Dimensions"...