Thursday, March 10, 2011

Summit Targets Top Cow's "Crosshair"

According to reports, Summit Entertainment ("Twilight") is in final talks to adapt the Top Cow comic book "Crosshair", for producers David Hoberman and Todd Lieberman ("The Proposal"), with Morgan Foehl attached to write the screenplay.

Created by Top Cow's Marc Silvestri, written by Jeff Katz and illustrated by Silvestri and Allan Jefferson, the action thriller focuses on former CIA agent 'Justin Miller':

"...After settling into the life of loving husband and devoted father, a former agent for the CIA learns he’s been brainwashed to kill the President of the United States.

"To his horror, 'Justin Weller' has discovered that in less than 48 hours something or someone will trigger his suppressed program and send him into deadly and irreversible action. How can a man stop his most dangerous enemy, when the enemy is himself?..."

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