Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Brian Eno "1971 - 1977 : The Man Who Fell To Earth"

Brian Eno "1971 - 1977: The Man Who Fell To Earth" will be released in North America May 17, 2011, featuring exclusive interviews, archival footage, performances, studio films and a whole lot more:

"...Brian Peter George St. John le Baptiste de la Salle Eno - Brian to his friends, Eno to the rest of us - defies categorization. Musician, composer, record producer, music theorist, singer and visual artist covers some of what he does, but he's probably best known for his early work with 'Roxy Music', his production duties for 'U2' and 'Coldplay' and as one of the principal innovators of ambient music..."

The new doc explores Eno's life, career and music between the years 1971 and 1977, the period that some view as his golden age, others as just one era in a long, extraordinary and very eclectic career.

When I had the opportunity to meet with Bryan Ferry of Roxy Music, during one of his Toronto stops, Ferry summed up his former collaborator by saying, "Brian Eno knows nothing about music, but everything about sound."

Click the images to enlarge and Sneak Peek Brian Eno "1971 - 1977 : The Man Who Fell To Earth"...