Sunday, February 13, 2011

Mt Ngauruhoe Off Limits To "The Hobbit"

The central North Island range of Mt. Ngauruhoe in New Zealand, previously used as 'Mt. Doom' in director Peter Jackson's "The Lord of the Rings", may now be off-limits to the cast and crew of New Line's "The Hobbit".

With five weeks to go before "The Hobbit" principle photography starts, the local Maori have refused Jackson permission to shoot in and around Mt. Ngauruhoe because the range has been declared 'sacred'.

Jackson and crew are currently looking for an alternative location at Mt. Taranaki in Queenstown and possibly the Southern Alps.

"There are some bits of bad luck associated with it," actor Martin Freeman cast as lead 'Bilbo Baggins' said about the troubled "Hobbit" shoot that has had its fair share of obstacles, including actors union, government problems, director Jackson's WETA workshop set on fire, a New Zealand background performer accusing "The Hobbit" casting directors of being 'racist', Jackson admitted to hospital for a perforated ulcer, etc.

"We're ready to go," said Freeman sarcastically, "just as soon as 2015 comes around."

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