Thursday, February 10, 2011

Justin Bieber Goes "Mad" - February 16

Sneak Peek the cover to the new "Mad" Magazine, available February 16, 2011, targeting Canadian teen pop sensation, Justin Bieber.

"We like to do what we call 'Zeitgeist' covers," said John Ficarra, Editor-in-Chief of MAD and representative for the 'usual gang of idiots'.

"When we found that his movie was debuting just about the same time we would be coming out with the issue, we knew he’d be all over the place. He’ll hate it and buy every copy, and it will be a sellout. Or, conversely, Bieber won’t even notice and we’ll probably sell three copies of the issue.

"'MAD' just reflects the signs of the times...There’s never a shortage of material."

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