Thursday, January 06, 2011

Michael Biehn's "The Victim": Even Bad Girls Need Protection

Sneak Peek the new poster supporting the upcoming thriller "The Victim", written/directed by actor Michael Biehn ("The Terminator", "The Abyss", "Tombstone", "Aliens"), based on a story by Reed Lackey.

Producers are Jennifer Blanc and Lorna Paul.

"...'Annie' (Jennifer Blanc) and 'Mary' (Danielle Harris) find themselves in a life and death situation. Annie’s life is put in jeopardy when she is witness to a violent act at the hands of two Sheriff’s Deputies. Fleeing from her attackers (Ryan Honey, Denny Kirkwood) she stumbles across 'Kyle' (Biehn), a recluse living in the middle of the woods.

"The loner stays far from civilization – that is – until a single knock on his door throws his solitary life into chaos. Two worlds collide in this psychological thriller that will make you question your trust in mankind..."

Click the images to enlarge and Sneak Peek "The Victim"...