Thursday, November 04, 2010

Legendary Launching Graphic Novels

Thomas Tull, Legendary Pictures Chairman, CEO, reports that former IDW comic book editor Bob Schreck will be Editor-in-Chief of Legendary Comics, a new division dedicated to publishing original graphic novels.

Legendary are noted for co-producing numerous Warners features including the upcoming "Superman: Man of Steel" (2012), "The Dark Knight Rises" (2012), "Sucker Punch" (2011) and "Jack The Giant Killer" (2011).

Notable past efforts include "Inception" (2010), "Watchmen" (2009), "The Dark Knight" (2008), "300" (2006), "Superman Returns" (2006) and "Batman Begins (2005).

Legendary Comics plans to publish four to six graphic novels a year for both digital/traditional print distribution. Schreck will release the company's inaugural project within the first half of 2011, working with Kathy Vrabeck, President of Legendary Digital.

"Bob Schreck is one of the most highly-regarded curators and editors of comic culture in our industry," said Tull. "He is the perfect leader with the right balance of passion and editorial skills to spearhead Legendary Comics, committed to being a new home for groundbreaking artists and the characters and stories they create, in an art form we love."

"We have a real opportunity to deliver hard-hitting characters and exciting, innovative storylines to comic book aficionados," said Schreck. "We are in the fortunate position of already having major support from the community and collaborations lined up with world-class creators."

"Bob Schreck is a joy to work with," said writer/artist Frank Miller. "He's tough but affable, mindful of the publisher's needs but a happy warrior on the side of the artist".

"I'm thrilled that Legendary is going to be entering the world of comics," said Neil Gaiman. "I've been amazed and delighted by their respect for creators in the movie arena, and it can only be good news for the whole world of pop culture..."

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