Saturday, November 27, 2010

DC's Kara Is "The Girl Of Steel"

DC Comics "Supergirl" #58, is written by Sterling Gates, with art by Jamal Igle/Jon Sibal and covers by Amy Reeder, Richard Friend amd Amanda Conner:

"...'Cat Grant' is in trouble. And not just 'missed her deadline and Perry White's furious' trouble. But really bad trouble. And the only hero who she can turn to for help is the one she's been bad-mouthing in the Daily Planet for months – 'Supergirl'. Will the 'Girl of Steel' let bygones be bygones? Or should this Cat hope she still has at least one more of her nine lives left?..."

In DC Comics' "Supergirl" #57, written by Sterling Gates with art by Bernard Chang and covers by Amy Reeder/Richard Friend:

"...Showdown at 'Bizarro World'. How can the 'Girl of Steel' defeat a threat that has already taken down an entire planet of 'Bizarros'? And what about 'BizarroGirl' – can 'Supergirl' trust her twisted mirror self to help out? Well, if Bizarros are opposites, and Supergirl is noble, brave and heroic… uh … good luck defeating the monstrous intergalactic foe by yourself, 'Kara'..."

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