Sneak Peek the the documentary "Catfish", following a man being filmed by his friends as he builds a romantic relationship on the social networking website "Facebook":

The film focuses on New York photographer Nev Schulman, who lives with his brother Ariel and friend Henry Joost in New York.
Abby Pierce, an eight-year-old child prodigy artist in rural Michigan, sends him a painting of one of his photographs. They become Facebook friends in a network that broadens to Abby's family, including her mother, Angela, Angela's husband and Abby's attractive older half-sister Megan, a songwriter.
For a documentary, Ariel and Henry film Nev as he begins a long-distance relationship with Megan, conducted over the Internet and phone calls, and they discuss meeting in person. She sends him MP3s of her songs, but Nev discovers that they are all taken from live performances on YouTube. He later finds evidence that Megan and Abby have made other false claims.
Ariel urges his upset brother to continue the relationship for the documentary. The siblings and Henry eventually travel to Michigan to make an impromptu appearance at the Pierces' house and confront Megan.