The Cartoon Network has announced new shows for the upcoming season, including "MAD", an animated sketch-comedy series from Warner Bros. Animation, , based on "Mad Magazine", utilizing a mix of styles and 'twisted humor' " pull back the curtain and expose the truth behind movies, TV shows, games, pop culture and, of course, curtains!..."
Classic MAD Magazine characters on the series will include the magazine's 'what me worry' mascot 'Alfred E. Neuman' and features including "Spy vs. Spy".
"...No subject matter or individual will be safe from MAD’s barrage of parodies and sketches. In the end, viewers won’t get even, they’ll just get MAD!..."
Sam Register ("Batman: The Brave and the Bold") will executive produce for producers Kevin Shinick ("Robot Chicken") and Mark Marek.
Classic MAD Magazine characters on the series will include the magazine's 'what me worry' mascot 'Alfred E. Neuman' and features including "Spy vs. Spy".
"...No subject matter or individual will be safe from MAD’s barrage of parodies and sketches. In the end, viewers won’t get even, they’ll just get MAD!..."
Sam Register ("Batman: The Brave and the Bold") will executive produce for producers Kevin Shinick ("Robot Chicken") and Mark Marek.
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