The book series is an updating of the mythology of author Mary Shelley's "Frankenstein', set in New Orleans, following the activities of 'Victor Frankenstein', now known as 'Helios', as he continues to create new life forms for his own purposes. Opposed to his activities are a pair of homicide cops, 'Detective Carson O’Connor', partner 'Michael Maddison' and Frankenstein's original monster, now known as 'Deucalion'.
While the original Monster was made with parts from humans, Victor Frankenstein is now using modern technology to create more creatures, particularly synthetic biology. The new race he is making, constructed and designed as 'bio-androids' are artificial humans, with knowledge and behavior based on programs downloaded directly into their brains.
So far there are 3 titles in Koontz's "Frankenstein" series, starting with ''Prodigal Son," published in 2005 by Bantam Books, followed by "City of Night" and "Dead and Alive."
Dabel Brothers Productions, in association with Marvel Comics, also published "Dean Koontz's Frankenstein" as a series of graphic novels.
Koontz' "Lost Souls" will be published June 22...