Tuesday, February 09, 2010

"Captain America" Joins "The Invaders"

According to reports, Marvel Comics' superhero team "The Invaders" will play a prominent role in director Joe Johnston's upcoming World War II action adventure "First Avenger: Captain America".

"The Invaders" comic book was created by writer Roy Thomas and illustrator Sal Buscema, debuting in the 1969 Marvel comic book "The Avengers" #71. The superhero crime-fighting team was inspired by the WW II characters of the "All-Winners Squad", created by publisher Martin Goodman and scripter Bill Finger in 1946 for Timely Comics, the predecessor to Marvel.

"The Invaders" team first appeared in WW II flashback stories, featuring 'Captain America' aka 'Steve Rogers', sidekick 'Bucky' aka 'James Barnes', the android 'Human Torch' aka 'Jim Hammond', the Torch's sidekick 'Toro' aka 'Thomas Raymond' and half-human 'Namor the Sub-Mariner'.

The team fought the Axis across Europe, until they met with up with 'Lord James Montgomery Falsworth' aka 'Union Jack', who joined the team and provided a UK base for their operations. Falsworth's children 'Brian' ('Union Jack') and 'Jacqueline' ('Spitfire') became members, as well as 'Madeline Joyce' aka 'Miss America', 'Bob Frank' aka the 'Whizzer', the 'Blazing Skull' and Silver Scorpion'.

The team survived incredibly harrowing adventures together but never got over the apparent death of Captain America in a drone aircraft explosion during the final days of World War II.

Paramount controls screen rights to Marvel Comics' superheroes "Iron Man", "Thor" and "Captain America".

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