Designed by Toby Gard, the Lara Croft video game character has been featured in movies, comic books, novels and animated short films, presented as a resourceful, athletic and reckless Englishwoman of noble birth who travels the world in pursuit of priceless antiquities.
Lara frequently ventures into ancient and often hazardous tombs, ruins, traps and puzzles, encountering a variety of enemies including gangsters, prehistoric animals, legendary creatures and supernatural beings.
The cornerstone of a multi-million dollar franchise, Paramount previously produced two 'Lara Croft' movies starring Angelina Jolie.
Screen rights recently reverted to Eidos, the games company that was, in turn purchased by Japanese publisher Square Enix for $120 million.
Lin will produce the film through his Lin Pictures with co-producer Stephen Gilchrist, reimagining the origins of a younger character, her love interest and the genesis of a new villain.