"According to Greta" is the indie feature starring Hilary Duff, Ellen Burstyn, Michael Murphy, Evan Ross and Melissa Leo, set in Asbury Park, New Jersey, directed by Nancy Bardawil, making her feature film directing debut.
"...'Greta' (Duff) is 17, bright, beautiful and seriously rebellious, full of sarcastic wit that barely disguises the hurt inside. Pushed aside by her mother, Karen (Leo), who is on her third marriage and counting, Greta is shipped off to her grandparents for the summer, and she's not happy about it. In fact, she tells them that she fully intends to kill herself before the summer is over and is currently compiling a notebook of suicide methods.
Greta then falls for a charismatic short-order cook (Ross), only to find out he's been in and out of a juvenile correctional facility for stealing cars. Now he's determined to do something with his life, but as their romance heats up, Greta has to overcome the concerns of her grandparents (Burstyn, Murphy) about her boyfriend's criminal past.
But soon a near catastrophe gives Greta a wake-up call and demonstrates how deeply her own actions impact those around her.
Greta's growing love for her elderly grandparents, along with the excitement of her first summer romance, gradually strips away her defenses, revealing the promising, charismatic young woman underneath her shell..."
'According to Greta' is currently in a limited theatrical release with the DVD scheduled for January 19, 2010.
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