Executive producers are Sam "Evil Dead" Raimi, Robert "Xena" Tapert, Joshua Donen, Ned Nalle and Kenneth Biller.
Premise follows the adventures of 'woods guide' 'Richard Cypher' (Craig Horner), a mysterious woman named 'Kahlan Amnell' (Bridget Regan), and a wizard named 'Zeddicus Zu'l Zorander' (Bruce Spence) who try to stop 'Darken Rahl' (Craig Parker) from unleashing an ancient, terrifying power.
Renewed for a second season, "Legend Of The Seeker" won a Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Music Composition for a Series...
Monday, November 30, 2009
They Call Me "The Seeker"...
"Legend of the Seeker"" is an action fantasy TV series, produced by ABC Studios, based on "The Sword of Truth" novels by author Terry Goodkind.