Actress Gretchen "The Notorious Bettie Page" Mol, has joined the cast of HBO's upcoming series "Boardwalk Empire", produced by Martin "Mean Streets" Scorsese.
Mol will have a recurring role in the series as a 'showgirl, alongside Steve "Reservoir Dogs" Buscemi.
Set in Atlantic City, New Jersey during the Prohibition era, "Boardwalk Empire" was adapted by Emmy-winning writer/producer Terence "The Sopranos" Winter from author Nelson Johnson's book, "Boardwalk Empire: The Birth, High Times, and Corruption of Atlantic City."
The pilot episode was directed by Scorsese, with HBO picking up the series for an additional 11 episodes, making the first season 12 episodes long.
"Boardwalk Empire" will debut Fall of 2010.
Click the images to enlarge and Sneak Peek the BG Holding (sorry that's all we got for now) for "Boardwalk Empire"...
Mol will have a recurring role in the series as a 'showgirl, alongside Steve "Reservoir Dogs" Buscemi.
Set in Atlantic City, New Jersey during the Prohibition era, "Boardwalk Empire" was adapted by Emmy-winning writer/producer Terence "The Sopranos" Winter from author Nelson Johnson's book, "Boardwalk Empire: The Birth, High Times, and Corruption of Atlantic City."
The pilot episode was directed by Scorsese, with HBO picking up the series for an additional 11 episodes, making the first season 12 episodes long.
"Boardwalk Empire" will debut Fall of 2010.
Click the images to enlarge and Sneak Peek the BG Holding (sorry that's all we got for now) for "Boardwalk Empire"...