Monday, November 30, 2009

BBC Plays With "Naked Lennon"...

"Naked Lennon" is an upcoming British bio-pic, following the life of singer John Lennon, to star actor Christopher "Doctor Who" Eccleston as the former leader of the Beatles.

Highlighting the years 1967 to 1971 when Lennon was ending his first marriage to Cynthia, the film will show Yoko Ono entering his life, Lennon coping with the death of manager Brian Epstein and the subsequent break-up of the Beatles.

The London, UK-shoot is being produced by Blast! Films, BAFTA award winners for "Hunger".

Actress Naoko "Torchwood" Mori has been cast as 'Yoko Ono', Brit actor Rory Kinnear as 'Brian Epstein', Irish actor Andrew Scott as 'Paul McCartney' and Claudie "Cranford" Blakley as 'Cynthia Lennon'...