According to the first Marvel comic book, the Micronauts originate in the 'Microverse, a microscopic series of habitats linked together in the fashion of molecule chains.
The original team comes together in response to the threat posed by former academic and now dictator, 'Baron Karza'.'Commander Arcturus Rann' (returning from a thousand-year deep space voyage in suspended animation) and 'Biotron', his robot co-pilot, land on the 'HMS' (Homeworld Micro Ship) "Endeavor," to discover Karza has removed the royal family, who are Rann's parents.
What follows is an epic war across the Microverse: Rann and his allies against Karza.In addition to Biotron, Rann's team includes 'Princess Mari' of Homeworld, who, with her brother, 'Prince Argon', are the only survivors of the royal family. Known to the team as 'Marionette', she falls in love with Rann, and sometimes leads the team.
The warriors 'Acroyear' and 'Bug' also join Rann's cause, one a noble warrior prince and the other a joking 'insectoid'. The last member of the original team is 'Microtron', Mari's robot tutor.
Trapped on Earth, the team returns to the Microverse. After a series of battles against Karza and his genetically engineered armies of soldiers, the Micronauts triumph and Karza is destroyed.
Rann is able to claim victory with possession of the 'Enigma Force', a semi-sentient power that bonded with him during his period of suspended animation, enabling him to perform super feats.