"Destination Truth", the weekly Syfy channel series, produced by Mandt Bros. Productions, follows paranormal researcher Joshua Gates around the world as he investigates claims of the supernatural, mainly in the field of 'cryptozoology', aka 'monsters'.
Each episode is 45 minutes long, featuring two investigations into reports of 'cryptids', paranormal creatures that exist in myth and superstition.
Gates leads a group of fellow investigators/cameramen in his treks, interviewing witnesses, reviewing evidence and researching local history, then going into the field to capture first-hand evidence of the existence of these legendary creatures.
Debuting in 2007, the current Season 3 (2009) premiere hit a series high with 2.1 million viewers. The second episode of the season broke more ratings records, achieving 2.021 million viewers.
Click the images to enlarge and Sneak Peek a clip from "Destination Truth"...
Each episode is 45 minutes long, featuring two investigations into reports of 'cryptids', paranormal creatures that exist in myth and superstition.
Gates leads a group of fellow investigators/cameramen in his treks, interviewing witnesses, reviewing evidence and researching local history, then going into the field to capture first-hand evidence of the existence of these legendary creatures.
Debuting in 2007, the current Season 3 (2009) premiere hit a series high with 2.1 million viewers. The second episode of the season broke more ratings records, achieving 2.021 million viewers.
Click the images to enlarge and Sneak Peek a clip from "Destination Truth"...