"Me and Orson Welles" is a period-drama film directed by Richard Linklater, starring actors Zac Efron, Christian McKay and Claire Danes, based on author Robert Kaplow's novel of the same name.
The story, set in 1937 New York, follows a teenager hired to star in director Orson Welles' production of "Julius Caesar", where he becomes attracted to a 'career-driven' production assistant.
"...In New York in 1937, seventeen-year-old 'Richard Samuels' (Efron) meets theatre director 'Orson Welles' (Christian McKay), whom he convinces to give him the role of 'Lucillus' in 'Julius Caesar', Broadway's first Shakespearean production.
Welles, who is having an extramarital affair with the leading actress while his wife is pregnant, couples Richard with production assistant 'Sonja Jones' (Danes) to rehearse.
Welles decides the entire production crew would benefit from a coupling game, and Richard cheats to ensure he is paired with Sonja..."
"Me And Orson Welles" was lensed in the Isle of Man, London, and in New York, scehduled to be releasaed in North America November 25.
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